Marketing Tools - Solo Emails

Vanish Eczema™ - Solo Emails

If you have your own opt-in mailing list/newsletter, sending a solo email to your subscriber’s list is the classic most effective method to promote affiliate products as a joint venture partner. If done correctly this strategy can yield tremendous results very quickly. You simply send an email entirely dedicated to promote Vanish Eczema™ program to your list.

You can write your own solo email or check out the "solo e-mail" section of this affiliate resource area for sample email promotions. You can also write me as I often try to arrange a special bonus or an incentive to make my joint venture partner’s offers more appealing.

If you don’t have your mailing list, it’s time to build one right now. The saying that “The Money Is In The List!” will justify itself time and time again once you build your own subscriber list and send out those emails.

How does one build an opt-in list? Well, there are many subtle ways and more straightforward methods to build a decent list of loyal subscribers that converts well.

First you have to get an autoresponder. For a high quality autoresponder that we use and recommend go to: GetResponse

You can offer a free weekly or monthly newsletter or e-zine to your visitors or a 5-day mini course in exchange for their name and email. The visitor “opts in” and subscribes, and you then have permission to send them your newsletter as well as other promotional emails you think may interest them.

Sending an email with a promotion to a substantial list of subscribers, who trust you, can result in a huge burst of uncontrollable sales. One of my affiliates had generated more than $6700 worth of commissions in less than 24 hours from ONE email sent to his list. That’s how powerful this method is.

If you have your own list check out the following solo email samples.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me personally.



Affiliate Manager of Vanish Eczema™

Solo Email

Subject: [first name]- I think you'll like this...
Date: [today's date]

Hi [first name]

I would like to say thank you very much for your time reading this e-mail, If you're an old subscriber of mine you probably know that I don't send out e-mails like this very often. I do feel the subject at hand is very important and I like to share my revelation with you. If you are trying to get rid of your eczema naturally, you must read this e-mail!

Here, I would like to introduce you about the great e-book you should know entitled Vanish Eczema. Vanish Eczema Ebook designed to help you recover eczema in a short time and do not need to pay high. Simple but effective guide to Getting eczema under control. Lays everything out into a simple 3 step formula cans That anyone follow.

Who Is The Product Suitable For?

The ebook is suitable for all ages in need of essential information to overcome eczema. Especially the natural way. In addition, step in treating eczema is cheap compared to the doctor just for once treatment. What is sad is that eczema come again and people usually continue to bear the high cost of treatment. So, if you thought of using naturally methods, Vanish Eczema would helped you a lot.

Vanish Eczema main benefits is that you do not have to put your life at risk for using steroids substances in the body. You yourself know that the materials pose many dangers. You do not need to get beautiful skin but other aspects of risk. You agree with me?

Vanish Eczema has its three main all-natural steps that will surely help you out on how to stop eczema. It has great secrets that you could definitely use in which you could not find over the counter. It also has the secret method in which you have to apply for your body and install makes it probable for eczema to be eliminated.

Eliminating eczema could only be done in the simplest way. You don’t have to put your life at risk and take those pricey medical procedures, as simple guide could help you out. Furthermore, Vanish Eczema could surely assist you about on how to eliminate your eczema in the most natural way possible.

Click the link below to read more about this fantastic book and how it can help you achieve your goals:


Vanish Eczema Other Features

  • How to quickly and easily implement the 3-main all-natural steps that will immediately stop eczema.
  • 1 dirt cheap item you can find at your grocery store that will instantly reduce your eczema up to 50%!
  • The secret technique you apply to your body that instantly makes it impossible for eczema to survive.
  • 1 secret 5-minute step that REVERSES and ERASES all scarring caused by your eczema!

Final Thoughts – My Recommendation

Overall, you will be impressed by Vanish Eczema ebook. you don’t have to take time looking for treatments in order to Vanish Eczema as there are lots of help that could assist you as well. One of those is the Vanish Eczema e-book. This book can help you on how to easily eliminate the itchy and burning sensation that you are feeling.

No loss you try the methods in this ebook because it is very easy to implement. This product also offers a guarantee of 60 days and if not satisfied, you can ask for money back. You will like this ebook and so help resolve your eczema.

Don't even THINK about buying any Eczema product, drugs or going on a gimmick eczema program until you read my revealing, no-holds barred holistic herpes cure e-book..."

Click the link below to read more: